Saturday, March 28, 2009

The year was 1971, the place was Fort Leonard Wood Missouri. The equine was Wild Bill Cody, a 4 year old, Buckskin QH. He was a 14.2" pistol, whatever were my parents thinking? He was boarded at the stable on the Army post, so my folks would just drop me off there and I would spend hours and hours out there. What a great life it was. In retrospect, I believe that Cody was a very talented little guy, and I wish I knew what the hell I was doing. I had previously had some english riding lessons before we moved to MO, and that was about it.
What a great place that was to learn about and ride horses. To this day, I have the very best memories of that time. When Dad was transferred, we gave Cody to a retiring Staff Sargeant that was in my Dad's battalion who had bought a place locally.
Dad was transferred back to Virginia. I took some lessons at a couple of barns but eventually faded out of riding by the time I was 16-17, there was just no where to ride anymore that was even remotely close.


  1. Jeeze Louise CCC. Very nice pony!!!
    And interesting background on the where, when, and what.

  2. Dena:

    He was a nice pony. I did all kinds of crazy stuff with him, he was very versatile. That stable was a great place to be a kid. Lots of other kids out there to ride and hang with. Our parents used to just drop us off there. There was no adult supervision at all. It was great.
