Sunday, March 29, 2009

Okay, I am done for now. I meant for this to be in a different order, I forgot how it works and by the time I realized it, several were already done and I wasn't going to start over.

So scroll down and start at Hi Again and then move up.

Pardon the doubled pictures on a couple of them.


  1. Wow! Really cool horses, and beautiful place.

  2. Thanks for posting them, CCC. What a gorgeous bunch of critters you have, and you are, too.
    A gorgeous critter, that is:)

  3. Great to see all your horses, especially to see them going under saddle and all. A lovely crew. Yeah, you like chrome. :)

    Are all of these in the NC area? It's just beautiful there...

  4. Thanks, everyone, I love them so much and am a proud mom.


    Actually, I am in Virginia.

  5. Love the look of the little grey ! great photos!

  6. Beautiful photos and beautiful horses. Love Spunky and Whinnie. The foal is soooo cute.

  7. How did I miss this? Wow- they are just beautiful. I thinkmy favorite is Madame x, no wait, Spunky, no wait, Buck. Awww forget it, I will just have to have them all!!!!!
