Friday, April 9, 2010


  1. Hah, second one reminds of someone... Funny, that:(
    They still aren't standing, naked, CCC!
    I wants standing naked pacas:)
    Glad they came through okay, I'll bet they feel better:)
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Do they get tranqed CCC or just hog tied?
    I know they are going to love it in the summer.

  3. NCC, no tranqing, just hobbled and wenched down like that. They do fight a bit, but then they calm down.

    Fern, it was very efficient. Darren, the main guy comes over every year, starts in California and spends a couple of months over here shearing. He starts in the warmer climates and then moves up north. The day before, he was at another farm not far from us and did 60 pacas in a day.

  4. GL, did you scroll down a bit more? I did get some nekked standing pics. I wanted to get the before pics to come up first so that the after pics were more dramatic.

    Trying to be artistic here, GGGEEEEEZZZZZ!!!!
